How To Make Perfect Roast Potatoes

Now, if you are English you might just frown at me. What on Earth does a foreigner know about roasts of any kind? Well. Not much.

I fell in love with roast potatoes and Hungary is not the country where you can just sit in _any_ bar and get them. If you want them, you make them. End of story. So I looked up about 200 recipes and tried quite some of those before settling for this one. From one suggesting that potatoes must be raw, to ones including fluor, goose fat and cinnamon. Yes. That, too.

I would not say mine is average but I learnt to avoid the extremes.

Perfect Roast Potatoes

  • Servings: 2-4
  • Difficulty: easy
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– 7-8 new potatoes

– 5 cloves of garlic

– fresh rosemary leaves (in full, not minced or dried and ground)

– tablespoon of fresh lemon peel

– salt and pepper to taste

– olive oil and butter



Boil the peeled potatoes until semi-coocked. Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Put 2 tablespoons of butter in, heat until it sizzles. Add the rosmary, garlic, lemon peel and the potatoes. Season it, and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Cook them until golden brown. The lemon peel and the rosmary will add the incredible taste, and the olive oil will give the roasties some crust. Once you tried this, you might never return to your old roast potato recipe. 🙂


This is how mine looked like (please excuse the mess and the quality of the pic).

how to make perfect roast potatoes
roast dinner
